Thursday 21 January 2016

Neighbours Watched As Abandoned Baby Cried Herself To Death


A beautiful Baby was found dressed and abandoned in a biscuit carton by Eco Bank along Ikot
Ekpene Road, Uyo. It was gathered that the Baby was dropped at the location around 11:30 pm Friday night  by the  mother and died around 11;58 am on Saturday after many hours of crying with no one to help.
A man known to be Mr Okon Isaac who resides in the area  told a punch correspondent that the Baby became pale after several hours of crying before eventually giving up. Mr.Isaac said he wanted to buy fuel so he decided to check if the Total filling station along Ikot Ekpene Road had begun to sell fuel then he heard the cry of a baby by the refuse bin placed in the carton. Mr Isaac said he was so shocked at such a sight that he abandoned his mission to buy fuel and decided to keep watch over the baby hoping the mother will change her mind and come back for the baby. He said the cry of the baby drew the attention of many other passers-by who gathered around to watch as they waited to see If the mother or any law enforcement agent will come to the rescue.

Mr Isaac said people were scared to touch the baby to avoid being accused by the police of trying to steal or kidnap a baby. 
                              " I have been here since 5:47am I wanted to              buy fuel from Total, which only sells the                 product when available between       the hours of 4 and 6:20 am...
        As I was passing, I heard the cry of the Baby. I began 
          to wonder where the baby was crying from,       but when I got near the refuse bin, just off
                                       the road I saw a baby girl neatly dressed and                            dropped in a biscuit carton.
  I could not go to Total in search of fuel again,
    I stayed behind to observe if the mother of the baby might change her mind and come back for the baby.
 And before long, people started to troop in as they heard the cry of the baby. But as we live in a period of child theft and selling of children for money, people were scared to touch the baby.They all stood helpless, should anyone risk lifting the  baby, and the police happen to be around, the    individual  can be accused  of child theft or whatever".  He said.

According to Punch correspondent the Police emergency number was called informing them of the abandoned baby, they said they were aware of the situation and they have contacted the Ministry of Environment for necessary action. but unfortunately neither the police nor officials of the Ministry of environment  arrived till the baby died.

Sooo saaad!! has our Society come to this??  

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