Friday 20 November 2015

Baby Nappy: Have You Been Doing It Wrong? Mother's Video Of Incredible Vest Trick To Avoid Fuss And Mess That Went Viral

Baby Nappy changing can be a huge work for Mothers especially when they have made that huge mess that is almost popping out on all sides. So a mother came up with a solution to make it neater for you.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sunday 8 November 2015

Saturday 7 November 2015

Meet Khadijat: The girl without a face

Her name is Khadijat Khatoon 21 from Kolkata, West Bengal Eastern India, she was born with a mass of skin in place of a face, with a small slit at the left side of her face. When Khadijat was born,

Let's talk about Sex


Hi there, it's been a while right? How has it been with you all? How has it been in general, the hustle and bustle of daily life? I know how it is for those of us here in Nigeria, and how we are dealng with the current political and economic climate but it doesn't stop us from pushing on now does it?.

Friday 6 November 2015

We will not take care of the Daughter of the Policeman victim says the Lagos Police Command

Lagos State Police Command may not take responsibility for the upkeep of the tennis star, Angel McCleod, whose mother was allegedly killed by a policeman at a hotel on Victoria Island two weeks ago.

Tiny Twins born at 26 weeks survived by plastic wrapping

A set of IVF twins born prematurely were not breathing after delivery, The twins born 3 and a half month earlier were so tiny that doctors put them in a bubble wrap to keep them warm.

SS2 Student and six others arrested by the polie

The 19 year old Saka Ahmed also known as Ejo, a student of Gaskiya College Amukoko who stabbed his school mate and school prefect on wednesday for punishing him has finally been arrested by the police.

Laurel's Bay Preparatory School.

Laurel's Bay Preschool Abuja is a model home of quality in childcare and education, where creativity, respect and innovation is nurtured. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

An SSII Student stabs Senior to death for punishing him.

A Senior Secondary School boy of Gaskiya college Ijora Lagos known as Saka Ahmed aka Ejo had been accused of stabbing a senior student Saheed Jimoh for punishing him.

The youngest victim of last weekend's Russian tourist jet disaster may help solve the question of what caused the crash.

The picture of little Darina, taken by her 26-year-old mother Tatiana at a St Petersburg airport shortly before they set off for Egypt, has become a symbol of the 224 victims of the disaster.

Parents, stakeholders want absentee principals, teachers heavilysanctioned

The country’s education system will continue to slide into deeper rot, if teachers and school heads who take delight in absenting themselves from classrooms without due    authorisation are not heavily sanctioned.

Missing Alabama Boy found after 13 years

Julian Hernandez was reported missing by his mother in 2002, Julian who was 5years old at the time was suspected to have been taken by a non-custodian parent. Now 13 years later the Alabama mother was shocked to hear that her son who disappeared have been found; he was found with his father in Ohio.

The First Lady-Hajiya Buhari calls for a collective action to end Childabuse.

Speaking in an event, where she received a group of women and parents, The wife of the President,

Ohio Catholic School suspends 6-year-old for shooting an imaginary bowand arrow