Sunday 11 October 2015

Home work, lessons and finding a lesson teacher-the travails

   Oh gosh!...I've been thro and fro the whole FCT looking for a good lesson teacher that is male, (or female unmarried) and lives within the proximity to where i live ,who will not come late and close early and is really dedicated to giving a sound lesson to the kids but the more i look the harder it is. phew...Is it just me or is what they are the teaching our children in primary school these days more advanced than what we were taught in our own days? They come back home with so many books that you wonder if they would get anytime to sleep at all.
  During our childhood days there was time for lesson and there was time for siesta there was even time to play but today, it's either the hours of the day has become shorter our they spend more time in school and with books such that they have little time to play. It works good  don't get me wrong, especially for someone like me that has super active kids. My problem here is why schools do not allow their teachers to give home lessons to the children...your child is in this school you ask her teacher to come home for lessons and she says its against the school policies. Fine then you try to get another teacher from another school, the teacher asks for your child's school stationery to guide him. You go to the teacher to ask her for the topics and subjects so your child can learn ahead of time and you hear for the second time "sorry it's against the school policies" in some schools a parent is not even allowed to have the number of her child's teacher  ...I mean come on!!! What's going on with the schools these days? Or is this limited to abuja?


  1. Although I haven't had to look for a lesson teacher yet, I find it irritable that a Lil kid of 4 years has soo much homework to do, I am an advocate of there's time for everything and for the love of sanity for both children and parents why would I pay so much to a school to teach my child and you still expect me to teach at home? Back in my time if I had to do extra lessons it would be to brush up on already taught in school work in preparations for external school examinations but not to do homework which by the way was never more than 3 times in a week on subjects teachers needed to be sure the kids understood.
    But on a serious note I think parents encourage a lot of stuff that's why it's happening cause teachers today are hardly qualified and very lazy.

  2. I think people should be guided in what kind of school to send their children to. It is not by the school is big, fine or have the rich children attending the school that matters. What are they actually teaching your children. Its not to go and play with exotic toys or eat assorted food that matters. So the choice is for the parents to sit and decide what they want for their children. This so called big schools atimes dont teach their pupils anything.Be guided and know what's best for your children.

  3. I think people should be guided in what kind of school to send their children to. It is not by the school is big, fine or have the rich children attending the school that matters. What are they actually teaching your children. Its not to go and play with exotic toys or eat assorted food that matters. So the choice is for the parents to sit and decide what they want for their children. This so called big schools atimes dont teach their pupils anything.Be guided and know what's best for your children.

  4. I fear for our kids educational system. It's not just the homework the teacher bombard our kids with that is the main issue, of late I've been loosing confidence in the way and manner our kids are been taught. Imagine me always correcting the spelling errors of the teacher in my child's communication book as well as his own spelling mistakes which the teacher doesn't take note of. As it is now, we parents have to be 100% involved in our kids education as what they are been taught in school is not enough.

  5. As a teacher, I have to come in at this juncture. I teach Chemistry and I don't enjoy the idea of giving students home work. What I do give is reading assignment just for them to have the advance knowledge of what they are about to learn. I concur with one of the comments above that some teachers are lazy. Yes, if teachers are up to the task, I don't see any reason bombarding students with home work. As for correcting teacher's spellings mistakes, no one is perfect.
