supermarket with a friend along with her kids to buy some groceries, so my friend's son said he needed to use the toilet, so she asked one of the attendants to show her son to the bathroom. After a few mins the boy came back and as we were about to leave, he spoke quietly to his mother that a man he saw on his way out from the rest room squeezed his bum, and that his mum should come quick so she can see the man, so we rushed out to find who it was but by the time we got to the bathroom my friend's son could not find the Man.what got my attention was when he said to his mum that his mum have to believe him and that he's not lying. Not many children are bold enough to tell their parents when they experience things like this least to say try to prove their innocence. Children are silent for a number of reasons - they may feel "special" with all the attention being given to them, and they may love the abusive adult (in other words the abusive adult might be a close relative)or their silence may be achieved by the abuser threatening the child with damaging the family if he or she reveals the relationship, or by making the victim feel they are dirty, naughty and to blame for what has occurred.Understand that any adult could be a child molester. There is no day you open the news and do not come across a case of a child sex abuse.
One thing we need to bear in mind is that there is no one physical characteristic, appearance, profession, or personality type that all child molesters share. Child molesters can be any sex or race, and their religious affiliations, occupations and hobbies are as diverse as anyone else's. A child molester may appear to be charming, loving, and completely good-natured while harboring predatory thoughts that he or she is good at hiding. That means you should never dismiss the idea that someone could be a child molester out of hand. Beware of toys,gifts sweets etc from an unknown source turning up in your child's possession. Paedophiles often like to "buy" children with presents and often can, in a twisted manner, portray the child as the sexual aggressor after the victim realises he or she can bargain for toys, clothes, outings or games by withholding sexual "favours". There are paedophiles everywhere we just have to be careful. Some weeks ago i was told that a gate man whom i have known since i was a child was caught having sodomy with a 7 year old child.
Children today have become susceptible to bad side and therefore whatever happens to them today shapes who they will become tomorrow. So when looking out for a child sex offender, don't be fooled by a person's outward appearance, or respectability. The paedophile in our midst may be a school/Lesson teacher, driver, the youth worker, neighbour or even a member of our household. All parents want to protect their children from predators, but how do you keep your kids safe when you don't know how to spot one? Anyone can be a child molester or a pedophile, so identifying one can be difficult, especially because most child molesters or pedophiles are initially trusted by the children they abuse. 30 percent of children who have been sexually abused were abused by a family member, and 60% were abused by an adult they knew who was not a family member. That means only 10%of children who are sexually abused were targeted by a total stranger.
While anyone can turn out to be a child molester, the majority of child molesters are men, regardless of whether their victims are male or female.we need to also know that most sexual predators have a history of abuse in their own past, either physical or sexual. So our Job as Parent is to be as involved as possible in your child's life. It is the best way to guard against child molesters. They will look for a child who is vulnerable and who isn't getting a lot of attention. Remember that kids around 12, should have gotten sex education from their parents and told what everything means and what it is called. This'll prevent a teacher/friend who is a paedophile from taking the lead and teaching him or her other things. Make sure your child already knows everything he/she needs to know before they get taught very different meanings of words or gets told that kissing/licking the teachers cheek is totally fine, also ensure your children understand that if someone has asked them to keep a secret from you that it isn't because the child will get into trouble but the person who has asked them to keep the secret knows what they are doing to them is wrong. This will let them know that they can tell you anything like in the case of the story above.
Remember that the most important thing you can do to protect your child is to pay attention to them. Assess their needs and desires, talk to them and be the best parent you can be or is this just a case of paranoia?
Bottom line: If you don't pay attention to your child, someone else will.
Very nice write up! This will be a wakeup call for those who care to listen!