Thursday, 29 October 2015

Teenagers and Indecent dressing

Indecent dressing simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public.
This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society
I know a lot of parents want their teenagers to try out some of the new and trendy clothes sometimes not considering the shape of their daughters and how decent this clothes might look on them. We should never throw caution into the air when it comes to the choice of clothes our girls and boys wear, these children need our guidance even in such areas, we should not say things like "yea it's fashion". 
Could it be that we ourselves desire to wear these clothes and because we can't we decide to permit our daughters to wear them? ( just . So having your teenager dress in an indecent manner does not  tell good of you as the parent, it also exposes them to harm. Certain clothes are meant for certain occasions. For example, imagine your teenager wearing a see through blouse  or sagging trousers to church or a very short dress to church. These outfits are not to be worn to such places in the first place.
Do not let people have a wrong notion about your teenager. If really you want your daughter to have some certain clothes on, the choice is totally up to you. But remember that indecent dressing is the major cause of the various assault and sexual harassment recorded in the society, over time. As a result of civilization, Nigerian ladies dress half naked to occasions  or the boys have their trousers so low by their hips all in the name of fashion’ and this is contrary to the prestige placed on African women. For instance Nigeria ladies derive pleasure in wearing cloth such as mini skirt, bumper short, armless e.t.c. 

And for our teenagers, you must be cautious of the kind of clothes you put on. Do you know your dress create impression about you either positively or negatively in the heart of people?
Your dress could show if you are responsible or irresponsible, serious minded or unserious.
In recent times, there have been an increase in rape cases and a lot of people have attributed this to indecent dressing. In as much as i am completely against rape, we as parents should not put our teenagers in the spot.
As earlier pointed out it is important for us to know that our teenagers  are not to be left completely alone, they need the guidance of their parents in order to make the right decisions. They are at that point of their life were they believe they have it all, their friends are doing it so why shouldn’t they.
Sadly, most ladies have been sexually abused because of their mode of dressing. So over to the Fathers, are you comfortable seeing your daughters dressed like this? and who do we blame for these social malady – we the parents, the society or the peer groups?.

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