Friday 30 October 2015

Tragic: Girl remains brain dead after choking on her school lunch

It's not by our power or might that our children go to school everyday and return safely, we aren't watching over them all the time, its God's grace that is always there. If a simple Fever
can get a mother worried, what then should we say in the case of this seven year old first 
grader  who is fighting for her life after choking on her school lunch while at school?.

Noelia Echavarria had complained in the past of her public school lunch period being too short and this makes her rush when she is eating her lunch at PS 250 in Williamsburg which is why her family believes that was what caused her to choke on a sandwich. Horribly for her she did not get help when she needed it most.

In a letter to parents, Principal RoseAnn LaCioppa said, "Let me also assure you that all procedures were followed that day. Providing a safe learning environment for our students and staff is very important to us." A Department of Education statement issued Tuesday said, "Our thoughts and prayers are with Noelia and her family and school community. Based on the information, we believe the principal and faculty responded swiftly to the emergency, notifying 911 and the student's family immediately. We continue to monitor the situation."


However, an EMT who was called to help says there are no certainties that there were prompt attention to help the choking girl. He claimed that no one was helping the girl when he entered the school. Also the family's Lawyer says he is troubled by how long it took the school to call 911. 

Now the little girl is now at NYU Langone Medical Centre, where her family is also with her and are praying for a miracle. Unfortunately the mother of the seven year old; Ana Iris Santiago also required hospitalization after she reportedly suffered from multiple seizures on seeing her daughter in a ventilator.
Truth be told, I contacted the principal of my daughter's school to bring this troubling incident to his attention, and inquire who in the lunch room is CPR certified. I'd urge other concerned parents to do the same so we can avoid this tragedy from every happening to another child, Says Santiago.

Hmmn...May God help us, I pray she recovers.