Friday 20 November 2015

Baby Nappy: Have You Been Doing It Wrong? Mother's Video Of Incredible Vest Trick To Avoid Fuss And Mess That Went Viral

Baby Nappy changing can be a huge work for Mothers especially when they have made that huge mess that is almost popping out on all sides. So a mother came up with a solution to make it neater for you.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Sunday 8 November 2015

Saturday 7 November 2015

Meet Khadijat: The girl without a face

Her name is Khadijat Khatoon 21 from Kolkata, West Bengal Eastern India, she was born with a mass of skin in place of a face, with a small slit at the left side of her face. When Khadijat was born,

Let's talk about Sex


Hi there, it's been a while right? How has it been with you all? How has it been in general, the hustle and bustle of daily life? I know how it is for those of us here in Nigeria, and how we are dealng with the current political and economic climate but it doesn't stop us from pushing on now does it?.

Friday 6 November 2015

We will not take care of the Daughter of the Policeman victim says the Lagos Police Command

Lagos State Police Command may not take responsibility for the upkeep of the tennis star, Angel McCleod, whose mother was allegedly killed by a policeman at a hotel on Victoria Island two weeks ago.

Tiny Twins born at 26 weeks survived by plastic wrapping

A set of IVF twins born prematurely were not breathing after delivery, The twins born 3 and a half month earlier were so tiny that doctors put them in a bubble wrap to keep them warm.

SS2 Student and six others arrested by the polie

The 19 year old Saka Ahmed also known as Ejo, a student of Gaskiya College Amukoko who stabbed his school mate and school prefect on wednesday for punishing him has finally been arrested by the police.

Laurel's Bay Preparatory School.

Laurel's Bay Preschool Abuja is a model home of quality in childcare and education, where creativity, respect and innovation is nurtured. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

An SSII Student stabs Senior to death for punishing him.

A Senior Secondary School boy of Gaskiya college Ijora Lagos known as Saka Ahmed aka Ejo had been accused of stabbing a senior student Saheed Jimoh for punishing him.

The youngest victim of last weekend's Russian tourist jet disaster may help solve the question of what caused the crash.

The picture of little Darina, taken by her 26-year-old mother Tatiana at a St Petersburg airport shortly before they set off for Egypt, has become a symbol of the 224 victims of the disaster.

Parents, stakeholders want absentee principals, teachers heavilysanctioned

The country’s education system will continue to slide into deeper rot, if teachers and school heads who take delight in absenting themselves from classrooms without due    authorisation are not heavily sanctioned.

Missing Alabama Boy found after 13 years

Julian Hernandez was reported missing by his mother in 2002, Julian who was 5years old at the time was suspected to have been taken by a non-custodian parent. Now 13 years later the Alabama mother was shocked to hear that her son who disappeared have been found; he was found with his father in Ohio.

The First Lady-Hajiya Buhari calls for a collective action to end Childabuse.

Speaking in an event, where she received a group of women and parents, The wife of the President,

Ohio Catholic School suspends 6-year-old for shooting an imaginary bowand arrow

Wednesday 4 November 2015

The state of a school in Ikorodu

17 year old genius develops maths theory that calculates problemsfaster than a COMPUTER - so do you have any idea how he did it?

  • He was offered a place at university at 14, but chose to stay in high school

  • He says school was in the way of his research, but will soon sit for his final exams
  • Are you raising a Genius?

    Everybody wants their children to be a genius but have you ever wondered what makes a child to be genius? is it the IQ, academic intelligence or environmental influence? how do we even know as to what extent can our smartness be inherited? this issue has long been an academic war zone among experts. no matter how we look at it we need to understand some basic things that can help us boost that child's smartness and they are mostly overlooked by parents for example.

    Tuesday 3 November 2015

    Four year old boy kidnapped at gun point In Ogun state

    Gunmen have abducted a four-year-old boy, Stephen Kanu, in Abeokuta, the capital of Ogun State.

    Schools when we were kids versus now as parents

    We may not be dressing up in uniforms or attending classes when we are parents but school is still very much part of our lives and my, how things have changed since we were students, from  government schools to private, to increase in school fees and etc. what has been taken away from the Nigerian  school system that you wish would be reintroduced?.

    Monday 2 November 2015

    Shonibare wants re-introduction of civic education in schools

    A realtor, Mr. Alaba Shonibare, has decried the disappearance of Civic Education from the list of compulsory subjects for secondary school pupils. He has, therefore, implored service clubs in the country to fill the gap by promoting good governance.

    A Boy with Cancer gets help from a good samaritan after video asking for food goes viral.

    In an attempt to help his family, a 13 year old New Jersey Boy battling with Cancer posted a video online.

    Boys are more Hardwork than Girls, do you agree?

    have a Son and two Daughters, my Son taught my daughters all the rough play and activites they know but this is not the story of Patricia. Patricia Nkwocha 37 hails from Portharcourt and she believes that it is easier to raise boys than girls because they are more manageable. I believe this is when they are much older, but before you get to that stage, there is always a price to pay. On the other hand girls are so adorable and tender, they want to play with their dolls most of the time etc. having a girl means having a peaceful home. 
    I really don't know which is easier, I have them both but my girls are better off as boys than girls. Infact I don't consider myself as a mother of one boy and two girls I believe I have 3 boys. But in your opinion which is more manageable? Tell us.

    Sunday 1 November 2015

    Saturday 31 October 2015

    Things Parents do that Teachers don't like.

    This is a sponsored post by a teacher who wants parents to know what they do that teachers don't like,

    Friday 30 October 2015

    Tragic: Girl remains brain dead after choking on her school lunch

    It's not by our power or might that our children go to school everyday and return safely, we aren't watching over them all the time, its God's grace that is always there. If a simple Fever

    Thursday 29 October 2015

    Teenagers and Indecent dressing

    Indecent dressing simply means deliberate exposure of one’s body to the public.
    This practice is contrary to the acceptable norms and values of the society

    China breaks rule on one Child Policy

    China has decided to ease its family planning restriction. It now allows couples to have two children

    Wednesday 28 October 2015

    How to maintain your child's Natural hair

    Oh I Love love love hair! Lol  (Well, who doesn't) hair adds beauty to your face hence the adage "A woman's pride is in her hair"

    Tuesday 27 October 2015

    Family Budget and Home Management II

    This is quite a long topic so I had to break it into two parts. now for the conclusion....

    Talk about ways to save:  As adults we know that saving money requires a lot more than dropping 

    Monday 26 October 2015

    Family budget and home management I

      I was at Shoprite yesterday to purchase some groceries for the home, for me I do my grocery shopping every two weeks. I had a long list of what to buy but I was sure I had enough money with

    Saturday 24 October 2015

    An 8 years old boy sued over a birthday party injury

      It was a bright sunny Saturday morning, an 8 years old Sean Terala was excited, not just because the

    Friday 23 October 2015

    The story of a teacher that touches the heart on Ellen Degeneres

    It was world teachers day last week and this video of a truly selfless teacher who brought Ellen Degeneres to tears will make your day, read on...

    Thursday 22 October 2015

    Is this an appropriate way to punish a child?

    As a parent do you think this method of punishment is appropriate for a child? A father's uncommon

    Wednesday 21 October 2015

    Inculcating an independent spirit in your Child

        I have been waking up feeling sick and stressed for months now without a known cause, I wake up

    Monday 19 October 2015

    The tell tale signs of a Paedophile

    Something happened recently that took me by surprise, a few days back i went to a neighbouring

    Abuja Book City

    As the saying goes "Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body"  as we all know that

    Wednesday 14 October 2015

    List of well established Private Schools in Abuja

    There are several schools in Abuja, Abuja is majorly an administrative hub and parents have to enrol their kids in schools as early as their maternity leave is over hence a lot of schools spring up every now and then, from the crèche all the way to secondary level.

    I would like to give parents and potential parents the opportunity here by listing some of the well known schools in Abuja to guide you in making the most suitable choice for your ward. The list may not capture every school for the sake of space but i will try to mention the oldest and  the most established private school.


    Saturday 5 September 2015

    What to do when your child is not happy at school

    We all know that time changes everything including education. During our school days things were

    Tuesday 25 August 2015

    Monday 24 August 2015

    Good Parenting; Parent-Child Relationship part 1


    "To be a man is not a days' Job" so the saying goes

    Quote of the Day

    "Learning never exhausts the mind"-Leonardo Da Vinci


    For people living in Area 1, Durumi, Games village, Galadimawa or Sun City  axis here is a good school for you to look out for your kids as we are going into a new academic session.

    Sunday 16 August 2015

    "Instruction versus Encouragement"

    "Instruction does much but Encouragement is everything"-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 

    Our Kids need more of encouragement than they need instructions...the 21st century parent is more open minded than his/her equal in the earlier centuries, parents today have become not only parents to their children but also friends. I remember back in the days and I know a lot of you can relate with this when we dare not join in our parents conversations when they

    Saturday 15 August 2015

    Welcome to my Blog


    Welcome to Skool and Kids blog, here we talk about schools within the Federal capital city and issues concerning our kids.

    I have witnessed often times, many parents (including myself) who have found themselves in tough situations over which or what school to send their kids to within the FCT. A lot of us are faced with issues like getting value for our money, we think some big schools have more to offer academically, socially and morally. However many not so big schools also have good ratings but are overlooked; so here we are ready to help you find that school and also help our schools get the much needed recognition.

    Our kids most importantly are unique and the most special part of our existence ( if you are a parent you know what I mean) therefore we need to pay as much attention to them as we pay ourselves. There's no greater investment like investment in our kids. Therefore we are ready to share with you and with each other how to raise, care, improve, teach moral values to our kids and how to guide our children towards a quality education. So let's get this

    Tutu Adefope.